Focus and Scope

Synthesis of promising information and communication technologies and information and telecommunication systems has become a powerful force in the last decades for the transformation of social life and world innovation development. At the same time, their uncontrolled distribution and use has led to the international community receiving not only significant benefits over time, but also a number of problems, which are determined by the significant vulnerability of the modern infosphere to various manifestations of foreign information and cybernetic influence. Most countries in the world have recently become involved in the joint development of an information society, the provision of information and cyber security, and the fight against cybercrime. Powerful instrument of such struggle is the corresponding scientific professional editions, which are formed and published in the countries of CIS and CIS.
In Ukraine, such publications include the electronic professional scientific journal "Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique"" focused on the coverage of information and cyber security issues and the protection of information and a number of other related innovative issues in order to promptly address pressing theoretical and technological issues. problems in the field of scientific and scientific-technical activity of the field of information technologies, as well as problems of training and retraining of appropriate personnel of the required level and qualifications in the field of educators ing and methods of higher education.
Manuscript languages: Ukrainian, English
Science: technical
122 - Computer Science
123 - Computer Engineering
125 - Cybersecurity and Іnformation Protection
The Journal is included in the List of scientific professional editions of Ukraine, in which the results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor and Candidate of Technical Sciences may be published (in accordance with the Procedure for the Establishment of the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from January 15, 2018, No. 32, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on February 06, 2018, under No. 148/21600); approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from July 11, 2019, No. 975). The scientific edition is assigned the Category "B" in the field of Technical Sciences