


Internet of Things (IoT); smart home; Blockchain; security


This study focuses on the problem of Internet of Things (IoT) security, namely: an overview of threats to the information security of a smart home and the analysis of existing security methods for its devices. The Internet of Things is experiencing an exponential growth in research and industry. At the same time, security threats to information programs and databases are increasing. As it is known, the foundation of Internet of Things security consists of four parts: communication security, device security, device monitoring and network interaction control. The sources of threats and vulnerabilities of IoT information security are accordingly investigated. Conventional security and privacy approaches are generally not applicable to IoT, mainly because of its decentralized topology and limited resources of most of its devices. The analysis of scientific sources has allowed us to explore different approaches to secure a smart home: an architectural method with three modules to protect the confidentiality of smart home data analysis; network-level constraint method; Blockchain technology. It is determined that the proposed blockchain smart home platform enables the security of information, taking into account the basic security goals - confidentiality, integrity and accessibility. Blockchain can be used to track sensor data measurements and prevent duplication of any other malicious data, for authentication and secure data transmission. This research will help design and develop new methods and technologies for smart home security.



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How to Cite

Belova, A., & Onischenko, V. (2019). METHODS OF SAFETY DOMESTIC SECURITY. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 2(6), 134–141.