Practical Points for Information Security Considering Limited Financing




threats, risks, categorie, cybersecurity, strategy, financing


This article provide the detailed analysis of tendencies of cyber threats development and trends to ensure the informational security by the world`s community. Modern development of perspective informational system and technologies promote the uprising of new forms of cyberattacks that lead the state, banking and private informational resources to threats with which these agencies are not ready to deal. The article defines the tendency on creation at cyberspace the principles of hybrid war. Preconditions for such hybrid wars are the interest of government structures to receive information which could be used by opposing parties in world`s competitive and political battles. The article defines the adaptive creation of directions for preventive actions on informational and cyber security. Document underlines the absence, in most cases, of any security strategy to protect key informational systems considering the existent risks. Article focuses that threat model should consider the complete compromising of information and cyber security systems during targeted attack to informational assets of state, banking and private organizations. Document considers the possible directions to ensure informational and cyber security in case of limited financing. Article provides CIS Control elements assisting to prioritize and ensure the informational security of business. Document includes the list of key directions to create the priorities of informational security in state, banking and private organizations. Article analyses and generate recommendations and requirements on practical aspects for development of security policy considering limited financing. One of the ways for optimization of financial resources allocated for informational security systems, considering the defined risks, could be the application of word`s best practices, as well the clear coordination of requirements to ensure informational and digital transformation by business and creation of coordinated regulatory requirements for certain businesses considering informational and cyber security. The article provides minimum requirements to ensure informational and cyber security in state, banking and private organizations.


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Author Biography

Yurii V. Borsukovskyi, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

PhD in technical sciences, professor of the Department of Information and cyber security


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How to Cite

Borsukovskyi, Y. V., & Borsukovska, V. Y. (2018). Practical Points for Information Security Considering Limited Financing. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 1(1), 26–34.