


load balancing; intrusion detection systems; self-similar traffic; information flows; deep packet inspection; attacks; load imbalance


The problem of load balancing in intrusion detection systems is considered in this paper. The analysis of existing problems of load balancing and modern methods of their solution are carried out. Types of intrusion detection systems and their description are given. A description of the intrusion detection system, its location, and the functioning of its elements in the computer system are provided. Comparative analysis of load balancing methods based on packet inspection and service time calculation is performed. An analysis of the causes of load imbalance in the intrusion detection system elements and the effects of load imbalance is also presented. A model of a network intrusion detection system based on packet signature analysis is presented. This paper describes the multifractal properties of traffic. Based on the analysis of intrusion detection systems, multifractal traffic properties and load balancing problem, the method of balancing is proposed, which is based on the funcsioning of the intrusion detection system elements and analysis of multifractal properties of incoming traffic. The proposed method takes into account the time of deep packet inspection required to compare a packet with signatures, which is calculated based on the calculation of the information flow multifractality degree. Load balancing rules are generated by the estimated average time of deep packet inspection and traffic multifractal parameters. This paper presents the simulation results of the proposed load balancing method compared to the standard method. It is shown that the load balancing method proposed in this paper provides for a uniform load distribution at the intrusion detection system elements. This allows for high speed and accuracy of intrusion detection with high-quality multifractal load balancing.


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How to Cite

Radivilova, T., Kirichenko, L., Tawalbeh, M., Zinchenko, P., & Bulakh, V. (2020). THE LOAD BALANCING OF SELF-SIMILAR TRAFFIC IN NETWORK INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEMS. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 3(7), 17–30.