


dit rate, video stream encoding, nonequilibrium code


The conceptual basements of constructing an effective encoding method within the bit rate control module of video traffic in the video data processing system at the source level are considered. The essence of using the proposed method in the course of the video stream bit rate controlling disclosed, namely, the principles of constructing the fragment of the frame code representation and approaches for determining the structural units of the individual video frame within which the control is performed. The method focuses on processing the bit representation of the DCT transformants, and at this processing stage transformant was considered as a structural component of the video stream frame at which the encoding is performed. At the same time, to ensure the video traffic bit rate controlling flexibility, decomposition is performed with respect to each of the transformants to the level of the plurality of bit planes. It is argued that the proposed approach is potentially capable to reducing the video stream bit rate in the worst conditions, that is, when component coding is performed. In addition, this principle of video stream fragmen code representation forming allows to control the level of error that can be made in the bit rate control process. However, in conditions where the bit representation of the transformant is encoded, the method is able to provide higher compression rates as a result of the fact that the values of the detection probability of binary series lengths and the values of detected lengths within the bit plane will be greater than in the case of component coding. This is explained by the structural features of the distribution of binary elements within each of the bit planes, which together form the transformer DCT. In particular, high-frequency transformer regions are most often formed by chains of zero elements. The solutions proposed in the development of the encoding method are able to provide sufficient flexibility to control the bit rate of the video stream, as well as the ability to quickly change the bit rate in a wide range of values.


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How to Cite

Barannik, V., Ryabukha, Y., Hurzhii, P., Tverdokhlib, V., & Kulitsa, O. (2020). TRANSFORMANTS CODING TECHNOLOGY IN THE CONTROL SYSTEM OF VIDEO STREAMS BIT RATE. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 3(7), 63–71.