


aerial imagery, image processing, video services, semantic image processing


The analysis of the problematic aspects of image processing technologies on aircraft board is carried out. Such technologies relate to the direction of search and preservation of the information component of video information. It is proved that under the conditions of a crisis management system, remote video services are expected to provide a high level of video delivery efficiency and at the same time provide the necessary level of information on the resulting information model. An imbalance is noted: on the one hand, it is possible to provide the necessary level of video information delivery efficiency, but with a low level of information reliability, and on the other hand, having ensured the necessary level of information provision, the reliability of the resulting video model about real events is lost. A prospective direction for solving the problem associated with a decrease in the information intensity of the video stream coming from the aircraft is provided. Particular attention is paid to the factor of preserving information without losing its efficiency and reliability. The rationale for the information sections of video information that contain information redundancy is given. It is proved that this complicates the decryption process. The direction of development of the scientific basis for increasing the efficiency of video information delivery from the aircraft with the preservation of the reliability of information is given. Systematic approach to solving the formulated problematic aspects for video information processing methods consists in developing a technology for their processing aimed at finding and highlighting important objects in the information model is proved It is proved that a promising way to reduce the information redundancy of video information received from the aircraft with the preservation of efficiency and reliability is the methods of allocating the most significant areas from all the information received. The promising technological concept of an effective syntactic description of the elements of aerial photograph areas, taking into account informative information is proposed. The results should be used in the design and manufacture of promising on-board digital scanners.


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How to Cite

Barannik, V., Shulgin, S., Barannik, N., Babenko , Y., & Puhachov, R. (2020). PROBLEMATIC ASPECTS OF PROVIDING REMOTE VIDEO SERVICES IN CRISIS SITUATION. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 3(7), 85–94.