Terahertz Channel Radio Access for Complex System without Systems the Bell of the Objects





broadband channel, THz, terahertz, T-ray; submillimeter, high data efficiency, prediction algorithm, hidden object detection radio system


One of the perspective use of THz (submillimeter) technologies is the wireless communication systems. In particular, it will lead to development of the submillimeter/THz band devices with brand new size, interference immunity and energy efficiency, for high speed video signal broadcasting, line of sight relay, for 5G cell phone transport networks, high precision radars for small size, high velocity target detection and tracking, and hidden object detection radiometric systems. Nowadays, the research of such wireless systems is focused on increase of communication channel bandwidth using superbroadband signals, which occupy all the THz band. However, it’s worth to mention, that in many perspective applications of 5th generation networks, the range has more important role, than the data transmission speed. The goal of the article is the increase of communication center’s information efficiency by the development of innovative solution for construction of the wireless broadband subscriber channel for information resource access using THz band, which provides greater efficiency in the channel’s range and bit rate. The results of THz-band wireless broadband access technical solution analysis are being provided here. The implementation of broadband access requires designating significant informational resource amount per subscriber, which, if the designated resource amount is not enough, leads to decrease in efficiency in service providing. Today’s lack of transmitter/receiver hardware of decent cost, when using unlicensed THz frequencies in backhaul network channels, leads to significant decrease of backhaul network channel length, which means decrease of the network zone size. Therefore, to avoid these flaws, the new technical solution for every subscriber’s bit rate increase, the subscriber amount increase on the territory covered by the access point, and the service coverage territory expansion possibility, is being provided here. During the THz-band channel broadcast system deployment process, one of the main issue is the channel and time resource distribution between the wireless communication system’s different sectors (directions), which is due to the change of traffic quality and amount. A generalized channel and time resource amount prediction algorithm is being provided for high efficiency wireless access channel. The control of such system can be done similarly to the server network. Territorial access point location allows: the increase of data amount being provided to the covered territory subscribers; the possibility to hold energy resource (energy per bit), which means the backhaul channel length is being preserved; the possibility of covered territory size expansion. Generally, the developed solution allows to increase the new generation wireless system data use efficiency, to increase the distance to remote subscriber network in some times, depending on the network access node’s input data stream ratio, and to increase the amount of wireless access points.


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Author Biographies

Volodymyr Saiko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

doctor of technical science, professor

Volodymyr Nakonechnyi, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

doctor of technical science, professor

Serhii Tolyupa, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

doctor of technical science, professor

Serhii Dakov, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

post-graduate student


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How to Cite

Saiko, V., Nakonechnyi, V., Tolyupa, S., & Dakov, S. (2018). Terahertz Channel Radio Access for Complex System without Systems the Bell of the Objects. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 1(1), 17–25. https://doi.org/10.28925/2663-4023.2018.1.1725