


deniable encryption; information security; sensitive data; the divide and conquer method; unauthorized access; coercion; productivity; cipher


Abstract. The deniable encryption algorithms productivity increasing is investigated in this paper. This investigation is relevant because of effective schemes for information and its users protection. But these algorithms is very complex and lumped. It really affects them. That's why deniable encryption algorithms have not been widespread in data processing and information security systems. The execution time reducing methods and tools exploration is the main goal of this work. The divide and conquer method has been discussed and investigated in this paper. It has been implemented into the data processing system of the deniable encryption algorithms. Nothing modifies have been implemented into the base algorithm. It allows to make it universal and apply to other deniable encryption algorithms. The series of experiments have been completed by authors to verify the hypothesis. The base deniable encryption algorithm discussing is the first stage of investigation. Its vulnerabilities have been found and investigated. Another algorithm is based on the divide and conquer method applying. It has been implemented into the modified data processing system. The both algorithms efficiency has been investigated by the experiments with the real with public and secret information files. The experiments have been completed on the prepared equipment. This equipment simulates the user's workplace with real hardware and software. According to the results the deniable encryption algorithms productivity has been reached by the divide and rule method. Also the method has been verified by the different size encryption keys. The base deniable encryption algorithms have not been modified. The results have been compared with other authors' investigations. In the end authors' hypothesis has been proved. But some restrictions of this results reaching have been set by the authors.

Keywords: deniable encryption; information security; sensitive data; the divide and conquer method; unauthorized access; coercion; productivity; cipher.


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How to Cite

Halchenko, A., & Choporov, S. . (2020). THE DIVIDE AND CONQUER METHOD IN THE DENIABLE ENCRYPTION ALGORITHMS. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 2(10), 29–44.