GERT Models of Technology of Cloudy Anti-Virus Defense




telecommunication systems, anti-virus defence, treatment of metadatas, anti-virus nephystems


The complex of the mathematical GERT- models of technology of cloudy anti-virus defence of the telecommunication system (TCS) is worked out in this article, that allowed to get analytical expressions for timing of transmission of files of metadatas and forming and delivery of commands of control transfer. A mathematical model is worked out and a study of probabilistic-temporal descriptions of algorithms and programs of forming and treatment of metadatas is undertaken in anti-virus nephystems. Her distinctive feature is an account of necessity of forming of commands of control transfer to the programmatic client of TCS. On the second stage of design GERT- of model of technology of forming and treatment of metadatas is worked out in cloudy anti-virus nephystems. The feature of these models is an account of row of technological features of TCS (heterogeneity, much connectedness, possibility of breaking up of file of metadatas and commands of control transfer on the shots of and other). Use of the worked out GERT- models of technology of transmission of files of metadatas, and also treatments and deliveries of commands of control transfer and account in her possibilities of breaking up of file of metadatas and commands of control transfer on shots allowed to 1,2 time to promote exactness at the estimation of temporal description, and to 1,4 times at the estimation of jitter time of transmission and treatment of files of metadatas and commands of control transfer. The results of estimation of exactness of design results confirmed the fact of expediency of the use of the worked out GERT- model of technology of transmission hash - file of metadatas and commands of control at planning of the systems of anti-virus defence transfer modern TCS.


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Author Biographies

Oleksii A. Smirnov, Central Ukrainian National Technical University

Doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of department

Serhii A. Smirnov, Central Ukrainian National Technical University

Candidate of Science (Engineering), senior lecturer

Liudmyla I. Polishchuk, Central Ukrainian National Technical University

Senior lecturer

Oksana K. Konoplitska-Slobodeniuk, Central Ukrainian National Technical University


Tetyana V. Smirnova, Central Ukrainian National Technical University

Candidate of Science (Engineering)


Abstract views: 513



How to Cite

Smirnov, O. A., Smirnov, S. A., Polishchuk, L. I., Konoplitska-Slobodeniuk, O. K., & Smirnova, T. V. (2018). GERT Models of Technology of Cloudy Anti-Virus Defense. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 2(2), 6–30.