


informational security, methods of system analysis, criterion for evaluating the information security system.


Approaches to the application of methods of system analysis to solve problems related to information security of enterprises in transport, which have a complex IT structure with a large number of components. It is shown that the active expansion of the areas of informatization of the transport industry, especially in the segment of mobile, distributed and wireless technologies, is accompanied by the emergence of new threats to information security. It is shown that in order to build an effective information security system, the selection and implementation of adequate technical means of protection should be preceded by a stage of description, analysis and modeling of threats, vulnerabilities, followed by calculation of risks for IS and determining the optimal strategy for information security system. After evaluating the different NIB options according to several criteria, a decision is made: if the recommendations coincide, the optimal solution is chosen with greater confidence. If there is a contradiction of recommendations, the final decision is made taking into account its advantages and disadvantages, for example, the strategy of information security system development is chosen, which turned out to be optimal for at least two criteria. If different NIB development strategies are obtained for all three criteria, it is necessary to vary the values of pessimism-optimism in the Hurwitz criterion or change the data, for example, about possible threats to IP or automated enterprise management system. An algorithm for modeling the decision-making process for selecting the optimal strategy for managing investment design components of the information security system for the transport business entity is proposed


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How to Cite

Lakhno, V., Husiev, B., Smolii, V., Blozva, A., Kasatkin, D., & Osypova, T. (2021). METHODS OF SYSTEM ANALYSIS IN THE FORMATION OF INFORMATION SECURITY POLICY ON TRANSPORT. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 4(12), 51–60.

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