


information security center; nuclear power facilities; model of cybersecurity management system; critical infrastructure; countering cyber threats


Nuclear power facilities (UAEs) are complex structural systems that operate large arrays of information flows, the distortion or blocking of which can potentially lead to inadequate and even catastrophic situations. Constant continuous automated control of the technical means of these objects is the key to ensuring the safety of man, society and the state. Therefore, ensuring the warranty of automated systems of the UAE as a technological basis for their functioning is a priority task of scientific research and development in this field. In the world's growing number and capacity of cyber attacks on critical information systems, long-standing confrontation of the state with hybrid war of limited financial resources, coordination and concentration of efforts to ensure cybersecurity of the UAE is the only way to solve certain problems in the industry. The purpose of such events should be to build a single cybersecurity center of the UIA. The creation of such a center should raise the state of information and functional security of enterprises of the industry to a qualitatively new level. The main tasks of the center are: ensuring the implementation of components of the organizational and technical model of information protection and cyber security; establishing mandatory information security requirements for critical information infrastructure objects taking into account international standards and industry specifics, including relevant critical information infrastructure facilities; monitoring of information security and information security at nuclear power facilities; countering cyber threats by raising general situational awareness of incidents and vulnerabilities among industry institutions and their critical infrastructure; preventing intrusion by sharing information and organizing initiatives; reducing vulnerabilities, preventing threats and their effective localization; monitoring of counteraction to threats at nuclear power facilities; stimulating and conducting training and raising the level of information awareness in terms of cybersecurity among critical infrastructure managers, appropriate testing, research and development. The functioning of the center will allow to coordinate and monitor the implementation of measures to deploy the information security system for critical information infrastructure facilities at nuclear power facilities. In addition, it will also prevent interference in information systems by exchanging information and functioning of centralized and decentralized technological systems and organizational initiatives. This will reduce the available vulnerabilities, reduce the possibility of new ones and effectively identify them when there are appropriate threats. The Center will protect against the whole range of threats, working with specialized services in a virtual environment, encouraging and conducting training on information security among specialists; will monitor and implement information security standards by subjects of critical infrastructure of nuclear power facilities; will develop and implement new security measures to reduce the risk of information and cyber threats, which are constantly changing and developing rapidly.


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How to Cite

Hulak, H., Skiter, I., & Hulak, Y. (2021). METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF ESTABLISHMENT AND FUNCTIONING OF THE CYBER SECURITY CENTER OF INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY FACILITIES. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 4(12), 172–186.