



blockchain, consensus algorithm, personal data, privacy


The recent increase in security breaches and digital surveillance highlights the need to improve privacy and security, especially of users' personal data. Advances in cybersecurity and new legislation promise to improve the protection of personal data. Blockchain and distributed ledger (DTL) technologies provide new opportunities to protect user data through decentralized identification and other privacy mechanisms. These systems can give users greater sovereignty through tools that allow them to own and control their own data.

The purpose of the article is to research blockchain technology and mechanisms for achieving reliability in blockchain for the protection and security of personal data.

Decentralized and federated identity systems give users control over what, when and how much of their personal information can be shared and with whom. These systems can also reduce cybersecurity threats. Through various consensus algorithms, blockchain-based privacy solutions allow users to better manage their data and ensure that the data and models derived from it are more accurate, honest and reliable.


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Abstract views: 334



How to Cite

Balatska, V., & Opirskyy, I. (2023). ENSURING THE CONFIDENTIALITY OF PERSONAL DATA AND SUPPORTING CYBER SECURITY WITH THE HELP OF BLOCKCHAIN. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 4(20), 6–19. https://doi.org/10.28925/2663-4023.2023.20.619

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