


The paper examines the technological issues of solving the current problem of developing a structural and logical scheme, which is the basis for creating an automated decision support system designed to restore damaged software as a result of cyberattacks.

On the basis of research into the processes of software diagnosis and recovery, review and analysis of scientific works in the field of design, development, implementation of specialized automated decision support systems, the structure of an automated decision support system designed to restore damaged software due to the impact of cyberattacks is proposed.

The specified system is a complex hierarchical structure with a high level of organization and consists of separate subsystems that ensure the performance of the tasks of diagnosing damaged software, determining methods of its recovery, and determining the optimal sequence of technological operations to ensure the functionality of the software after the impact of cyber attacks.

The software modules of the specified system make it possible to analyze the processes of software failure after intentional actions, which are carried out with the help of electronic communications, as well as to apply diagnostic technologies, on the basis of which it is possible to use formalized methods of solving individual problems regarding the assignment of operations to repair software defects of automated information and telecommunication systems, as well as to determine the internal content of operations and the relationships between them.

The implementation of an automated decision support system designed to restore damaged software as a result of cyberattacks allows for automated design of technological processes for restoring damaged software, taking into account the complexity of formalization, incompleteness and inconsistency of information, as well as the application of a certain sequence of management operations and procedures.


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Abstract views: 235



How to Cite

Dobryshyn, Y., Sydorenko, S., & Vorokhob, M. (2023). AUTOMATED DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR RESTORING DAMAGED SOFTWARE AS A RESULT OF CYBERATTACKS. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 4(20), 174–182.

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