


cyberterrorism, cyberattack, critical infrastructure, business-processes continuity


Informational threats can manifest themselves in different forms, which is due to the features of the global network. The article is devoted to one of the ways of solving the contradiction, which is that, despite the large number of publications, the task of ensuring the continuity of business processes in the conditions of the growing number and variety of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure objects remains unresolved. This is due to the constant modification and increase in the number of cyber attacks, as well as methods and technologies for implementing business processes. Therefore, the development and improvement of methods for assessing the continuity of business processes is an urgent scientific task. The article examines the problem of ensuring the continuity of business processes in the conditions of the growth of cyber threats. The means and methods of committing cybercrimes against critical infrastructure facilities were analyzed. The main strategies and business continuity assessment indicators are defined. The influence of selected strategies and solutions for ensuring business continuity on the value of business process continuity indicators is analyzed. The main trends in the development of cyber security in the context of improving the means and methods of carrying out terrorist information attacks on critical infrastructures are analyzed. Preventive measures to reduce the risk of cyberattacks at the national and international levels have been identified.

The main tasks of ensuring the continuity of business processes based on the PDCA risk management model, indicators for assessing business continuity are considered. The influence of the selected strategies and solutions on ensuring the continuity of business processes is analyzed.


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How to Cite

Zviertseva, N. (2023). SYNERGIC APPROACH BASED ASSESSMENT OF BUSINESS-PROCESSES CONTINUITY. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 1(21), 162–176.