


radio signal; spectrum; exposure components; algorithm, known signals


Obtaining access to information using the means of obtaining information secretly remains relevant at the present time. This is due to significant advantages, which include the impossibility of identifying a specialist who is doing listening or video monitoring of the premises. The specialist is located at a distance from this room. The integrity of the information, because the information comes from the original source. Therefore, the problem of detecting radio signals of means of covertly obtaining information is an urgent scientific task. This work is devoted to the problem of reducing the time of detection of signals of means of covertly obtaining information.
The detection of radio signals of the means of covert information acquisition is burdened by the fact that the means of covert information acquisition of the new generation work in a fully permitted radio range and their detection in a room bordering on other, filled radio devices is problematic. Now almost the entire available radio frequency spectrum is involved in the work of various radio transmitters. This complicates the detection of radio signals of means of covertly obtaining information, especially in large cities.
We are working on the development of a method for removing known signals, which allows, unlike existing methods, to take into account known signals even at the conversion stage. The conversion process is a necessary process in the operation of automated radio signal detection complexes. It is applied at the first stage, even before the signal detection process. This gives a great advantage, in terms of time, by about two times reducing the time of searching for random radio signals. This makes it possible to detect pulsed radio signals of short duration, that is, to detect radio signals of pulsed means of covertly obtaining information, and to partially solve the scientific task of detecting pulsed means of covertly obtaining information that work in rooms where information with limited access is processed.
The direction of further research is the development or improvement of methods and algorithms for determining by automated complexes the signals of means of covertly obtaining information, which work under the cover of radio frequencies authorized to work in this radio range.


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How to Cite

Laptiev, O., & Zozulia, S. (2023). THE METHOD OF EXCLUSION OF KNOWN SIGNALS WHEN SCANNING A SPECIFIED RADIO RANGE. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 2(22), 31–38.