


information security, performance evaluation, security of information systems, security criteria, mathematical models, cost optimization, system approach.


In the modern conditions of the development of information technologies, the issue of ensuring information security is becoming more and more relevant. Information has become a key resource that affects the success and stability of the functioning of organizations, enterprises and institutions. Despite the fact that a significant part of efforts is aimed at creating and maintaining effective information protection systems, the issue of assessing their effectiveness remains relevant and important. The article examines a complex methodology for assessing the effectiveness of information security, which is based on the use of modern approaches and tools for analyzing the security of information systems. The proposed methodology covers various aspects of information security, including technical, organizational, procedural and human factors. The evaluation of efficiency is based on a complex analysis of multiple indicators, which allows to obtain an objective picture of the state of information security of the organization. The main part of the methodology is the development and application of mathematical models that allow quantitative assessment of the level of information security. Such models take into account various factors, including the level of technical protection of information systems, information security policy, the level of training of personnel, response to incidents and other important aspects. In addition, the article considers the issue of optimizing costs for ensuring information security by applying economic models and approaches. The proposed methodology includes several stages: determination of key security indicators, data collection and analysis, development of mathematical models for performance evaluation, interpretation of results and development of recommendations for increasing the level of protection. An important component of the methodology is a systematic approach that allows taking into account the interaction of various elements of the information security system and their impact on the overall level of protection. The practical application of the developed methodology makes it possible to timely identify vulnerabilities in the information security system, optimize the costs of its provision, increase the overall level of security of the organization and reduce the risks associated with information threats. The results of the study confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach and demonstrate its applicability in various fields of activity, including business, public sector, education and other areas. Thus, the proposed methodology for assessing the effectiveness of information security is an important tool for organizations seeking to ensure reliable protection of their information. Its use contributes to increasing the level of information security, which, in turn, has a positive effect on the general level of functioning and stability of organizations in the face of modern challenges and threats.


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How to Cite

Ananchenko , O. (2023). METHOD OF ASSESSING THE EFFICIENCY OF ENSURING INFORMATION SECURITY OF THE EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEM. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 1(21), 297–308.