


method, social engineering, personal data, attack, information protection


Social interaction of subjects in the modern world, in addition to positive forms, also has negative ones. In modern society it is impossible to do without social networks and in the modern world the Internet - technologies prevail. Currently, everyone connected to a computer is registered in at least one social network. Social networks attract people, because in today's world all people communicate, exchange information, and get acquainted, some people come up with a virtual world in which they can be fearless, and popular and thus abandon reality. The problem related to the security of personal data in social networks is the most relevant and interesting in modern society.

Analysis of methods of protection of personal data from attacks using social engineering algorithms showed that it is impossible to prefer any one method of protection of personal information. All methods of personal data protection purposefully affect the protection of information, but protection in full can not be provided by only one method.

 Based on the analysis of methods of personal data protection, we have proposed an improved method of protecting personal data from attacks using social engineering algorithms. Improvement is a combination of two existing methods aimed at improving the effectiveness of user training. Using the features of the proposed method formulated by us, it is the increase of user training that will provide better protection of personal data.

The main advantage of the proposed method is that it uses the synergy of existing methods, which are aimed at educating users and learning to protect their personal information.

The direction of further research: analysis and improvement of methods of attacks not only with the help of phishing social engineering but also with the help of other methods of social engineering of other types. Creating a mathematical model to protect personal information from attacks using social engineering methods.



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How to Cite

Laptiev, S. . (2022). THE ADVANCED METHOD OF PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATA FROM ATTACKS USING SOCIAL ENGINEERING ALGORITHMS. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 4(16), 45–62.