


Information security management system (ISMS); catastrophe theory; “Butterfly” type of catastrophe ; cyber incident; Python; gradient descent; differential equation.


The Information Security Management System is an important element in preventing possible threats and failures, exposure to various internal and external factors, which could lead to irreversible consequences. Predicting the impact of various types of incidents allows to ensure the stability and balance of complex dynamic systems, their confidentiality, integrity and availability. The resilience of the information security management system to different types of cyber incidents has been researched. Mathematical Catastrophe theory has been applied to model the dynamics of the information system. Different types of catastrophes that depend on the number of influencing parameters on the dynamic system were analyzed and investigated. The main types of incidents for research have been identified based on the report of detected cyber incidents in the period 2022–2024. It was analyzed the list of categories of cyber incidents, which is constantly updated taking into account the appearance of new types, and also includes a description of these incidents and their impact on the information system. The “Butterfly” type of catastrophe has been chosen to simulate the behavior of dynamic systems in crisis situations, assess the degree of system stability, and identify critical points where the system is particularly vulnerable to external or internal disruptive influences. Equilibrium points, bifurcation points, and a risk zone have been identified on the system’s equilibrium plane, which is critically important and sensitive to disturbances, corresponding to information system failures of dangerous or chaotic types under the influence of certain types of cyber incidents. Python and some libraries (such as Numpy, Pandas etc) have been used for calculations and visualization. The 3D graphs show the dependence of the dynamic system’s equilibrium state on the parameters of the impact of each type of incident.This allows to identify possible failures of the information system and optimize the operation of the information security management system to prevent catastrophes.


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How to Cite

Nehodenko, V. (2024). APPLICATION OF THE MATHEMATICAL CATASTROPHE THEORY TO ENSURE THE STABILITY OF THE INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM . Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 2(26), 212–222.