


authorization, authentication, wireless network, Wi-Fi, model, encryption algorithm, keys, digital signature, password, information security


This article is devoted to solving the problem of information protection in radio channels, by applying comprehensive measures to protect against possible attacks aimed at intercepting and substituting transmitted data. The aim of the work is to analyze the security of wireless networks, identify methods for their protection and create a model for protecting wireless networks. In order to achieve this goal, the following list of tasks was performed: the existing solutions in the field of information protection through radio networks were analyzed; the description of the offered developed model is made; algorithms, experiments, experiments of this model are described. A means of protecting information through radio networks has been developed, the application of which has a significant increase in the level of information security in the radio channel. The practical value of this development is that the theoretical and practical results are recommended for implementation in organizations that use the radio channel to transmit confidential information with high security requirements


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How to Cite

Zhurakovskyi, B., & Nedashkivskiy , O. (2022). SYSTEM TO COLLECT INFORMATION WHEN TRANSFERRING DATA TO RADIO CHANNELS. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 3(15), 6–34.