


linear transformations, hashing function


This paper investigates the linear transformations of the hash function, which is part of the developed advanced module of cryptographic protection of information, which by capturing information about the user ID, session ID, sending time, message length and sequence number, as well as using a new session key generation procedure for encryption, allows you to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data in information and communication systems process control. The object of research is the process of ensuring the confidentiality of data in information and communication systems management systems based on cloud technologies. The subject is the study of linear transformations of the proposed hashing function of the advanced module of cryptographic protection in information and communication systems. The purpose of this work is to study the linear transformations of the proposed hashing function of the advanced module of cryptographic protection in information and communication systems for process control based on cloud technologies. To use this module effectively, it is important to choose crypto-resistant encryption and hashing methods, as well as secret key synchronization. Cryptoalgorithms resistant to linear, differential, algebraic, quantum and other known types of cryptanalysis can be used as functions of cryptographic methods of encryption and hashing. The conducted experimental study of linear transformations of the proposed hashing function of the advanced module of cryptographic protection in information and communication systems confirmed the cryptoresistance of the advanced algorithm to linear cryptanalysis.


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How to Cite

Smirnova, T., Yakymenko, N., Ulichev, O., Konoplitska-Slobodeniuk, O., & Smirnov, S. . (2022). INVESTIGATION OF LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE PROPOSED HUSHING FUNCTION OF THE ADVANCED MODULE OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC PROTECTION IN INFORMATION AND CIRCUMSTANCES. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 3(15), 85–92.

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