


information technology; information model; process of competence formation; competence; higher education students.


The article deals with the urgent problem of integrating information technologies into the learning process to develop the competencies of higher education students. The authors aim to explore the possibilities of using information technology to optimize the educational process, contributing to the effective development of specialists who can adapt to the modern requirements of the labor market. The article focuses on the analysis of existing approaches to the formation of competencies and the development of an information model that would integrate modern achievements in the field of information technology. The authors propose a model that includes the use of neural networks and other innovative technologies that can contribute to the individualization of the educational process and ensure a high level of engagement of higher education students. The results of the study show that the integration of the developed information technology can significantly improve the quality of education, contributing to the formation of the necessary competencies in higher education students. The authors also emphasize the importance of synergy between the educational process, labor market needs and government support in this area. The article contributes to the further development of scientific research in the field of information technology in education and can serve as a basis for the practical implementation of innovative educational programs aimed at forming highly qualified specialists capable of meeting the modern requirements of employers.


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How to Cite

Kryvoruchko, O., & Zakharov, R. (2024). MODELING OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR THE FORMATION OF COMPETENCIES OF STUDENTS. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 4(24), 196–204.

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