


wireless network; metal-plate lens; accelerating lens; lens antenna; access point; polarization; MIMO


The widespread use of wireless technologies leads to an ever-increasing number of users and permanently functioning devices. However, the growth of the number of wireless users in a limited space and a limited frequency range leads to an increase in their mutual influence, which ultimately affects the throughput of wireless channels and even the performance of the system as a whole. The article presents the statistics and tendencies of the distribution of wireless networks of the IEEE 802.11 standard systems, as well as analyzes the main problems that arise during the expansion of their use. Substantiation and choice of ways to overcome these difficulties largely depends on the objective control of radiation parameters of access points and subscriber funds in a particular environment. The review of the state control facilities provided by the developers of the equipment is presented, and author's variants of experimental measuring complexes are offered, allowing to control signal and information parameters of Wi-Fi systems. The experimental results obtained with the use of the indicated means, obtained using the accelerating metal-plate lens as an additional autonomous element for focusing the field, including for MIMO systems, the effect of the accelerating metal-plate lens on the spatial distribution of the field, on the spectral structure of the signal are presented. In addition, polarization effects were investigated. Possible ways to further increase the availability, integrity of information and energy efficiency of wireless access systems are discussed. The authors propose simpler and less costly options for increasing the direction of radiation on the basis of an accelerating metal-plate lens, experimentally tested, as well as the use of zone zoning on the path of the computer.


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How to Cite

Astapenya, V., Sokolov, V., & TajDini, M. (2019). RESULTS AND TOOLS FOR EVALUATING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FOCUSING SYSTEMS TO IMPROVE ACCESSIBILITY IN WIRELESS NETWORKS. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 4(4), 90–103.

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