


cascade of reservoirs; spatial data; MATLAB Mapping Toolbox; electronic map; vector and raster data


The article considers the problems of providing water, necessary for the needs of the population and the national economy on a global scale and for Azerbaijan in particular. One of the means for the accumulation and storage of water are artificial reservoirs formed, as a rule, in the river valley by water-supporting structures for the accumulation and storage of water for the purpose of its use in the national economy. The main parameters of reservoirs are considered in the article, such as: volume, area of the mirror and the amplitude of fluctuations in water levels in the conditions of their operation, as well as modes of their operation, which became the basis for constructing a mathematical model of the cascade reservoir, which reliably describes the hydrological processes that take place in the reservoirs. Monitoring the status of reservoirs will allow to plan activities, simulate the situation that may arise in other reservoirs that make up the cascade, and make forecasts. The article presents a data processing model in the MATLAB application development environment, which is one of the most popular software in the world. The model is based on the method of calculating differential indices based on multispectral data. Having a large number of additions to the main program in the form of toolboxes, or sets of specialized tools, makes it possible to apply MATLAB in a wide variety of areas of programming. The Mapping Toolbox is specifically designed to leverage MATLAB's richest geospatial capabilities. This article shows how to use Mapping Toolbox tools at all stages of working - from receiving and importing into the workspace of the program, processing and further outputting results in the form of files or finished electronic maps. The task of identifying and mapping the hydrological objects that make up the cascade of reservoirs on the largest waterway in Azerbaijan - the Kura River - was chosen as an example.


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How to Cite

Mekhdiyeva, B., Rustam, G., Ivanova, L., Korshun, N., & Skladannyi, P. (2019). GETTING AND PROCESSING GEOPRODITIONAL DATA WITH MATLAB MAPPING TOOLBOX. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 2(6), 94–104.

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