


cryptovirology, guarantee information systems, cyberattack, encryption, cryptography, cryptanalysis, cryptoalgorithm, programmable logic integrated circuits, software tools for attacks..


This paper examines the security threats to guaranteed information systems, as well as measures to combat encryption viruses. A typical sequence of cyberattacks with information encryption using software tools to implement attacks is determined. The sequence of procedures of the WannaCry encryption part is described. The paper proposes a description of the computational complexity of encrypted data recovery problems, including methods for parallelizing the solution of cryptanalysis problems, methods used to solve problems of cryptosystem stability assessment, vulnerability search and decryption depending on basic mathematical methods. The application of distributed computing technology to solve problems of recovery of encrypted resources is described. The paper states that in modern conditions of constant development of cryptography methods with a high level of stability and their wide availability a necessary condition for improving the recovery of encrypted programs - data seekers is to create a special software security monitor and build specialized multiprocessor systems to implement cryptanalysis methods with wide access of authorized users. , from the point of view of minimizing the ratio "cost - the result" the most rational approach to creating specialized multiprocessor systems is to build a cluster system based on the most powerful general-purpose computers using hardware computing accelerators based on programmable logic integrated circuits to increase the effectiveness of attacks on cryptographic software tools for the implementation of attacks, it is advisable to develop technologies for active actions in cyberspace, in particular, those that provide the formation of hidden channels.


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How to Cite

Hulak, H. . ., Buriachok, V. ., Skladannyi, P. . ., & Kuzmenko, L. . . (2020). CRYPTOVIROLOGY: SECURITY THREATS TO GUARANTEED INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND MEASURES TO COMBAT ENCRYPTION VIRUSES. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 2(10), 6–28.

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