


differential quality game, cyber security, optimal financing strategies, decision support system


The topical problem of making the optimal decision on financing pro-jects in the field of cybersecurity in the conditions of active actions of cybersecu-rity violators is considered. A model has been developed for a decision support system for financing projects for the creation and development of cybersecurity management centers for critical infrastructure facilities. The model assumes meth-ods and means of actively countering the attacking side. In contrast to existing approaches, the model is based on solving a bilinear differential quality game with several terminal surfaces. A discrete approximation method was used in the solution. This made it possible to find a solution to the bilinear differential quality game with dependent movements. The results of a computational experiment within the framework of the software implementation of a decision support sys-tem in the field of financing projects in the field of cybersecurity, in particular, in the creation and development of cybersecurity management centers for critical in-frastructure facilities are described. The developed decision support system al-lows obtaining optimal financing strategies by the side of cybersecurity protec-tion. In this case, any ratio of parameters describing the financing process is con-sidered, no matter how financially the attacker (hackers) acted.


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How to Cite

Hulak, H., & Lakhno, V. (2019). MODEL OF THE INVESTMENT PROCESS IN CYBER SECURITY DEVELOPMENT FOR BUILDING A DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 2(6), 154–161.

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