



integrated hardware; cybersecurity; division; Armed Forces of Ukraine; automotive platform.


The experience of modern combat use of weapons and military equipment in the full-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine confirmed the need to review the existing requirements not only for individual samples, but in particular for the automobile platform. The automobile base consists of technically outdated equipment brands (Ural, Zil, GAZ, KAMAZ, Maz, UAZ), the manufacturer of which is the USSR, and the modern supplier of spare parts is the Russian Federation. If it was used for more than an operational period in connection, then problems began to arise. Purpose of the article. Justification of the composition of equipment and communication facilities of the complex hardware of the communications and cybersecurity troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, depending on the purpose and functional tasks. Materials and methods. To solve the tasks set, a set of theoretical research methods was used: historical analysis and generalization of scientific literature on the research problem; structural and genetic analysis and synthesis when clarifying the object and subject of research; the method of convergence from abstract to concrete; method of analytical and comparative analysis in analytical and comparative assessment of the novelty of research results; synthesis and generalization – to substantiate the methodological and methodological foundations of the study; generalization – the formulation of conclusions and recommendations for continuing further research. The result. The existing fleet of complex hardware Communications was constructed by the forces of the repair bases of the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to the unapproved established order projects for the modernization of command and staff vehicles of the old fleet (R-142 and R-145) (up to type A2M1-04) and re-equipped with the latest models of the hardware of the old fleet type P-258, P-256, P-240, P-241, P-238 and P-178. a variable approach to the choice of the automobile base and the complete set of mobile telecommunications kit and means of communication makes it possible to quickly organize all types of communication in any field conditions.


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How to Cite

Shemendiuk, O., Kozubtsov, I., Neshcheret, I., Protsiuk, Y., Bryhadyr, S. ., & Fomkin, D. (2022). OUTLINE OF THE FUNCTIONAL PURPOSE, REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COMPOSITION OF EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS FOR COMPLEX HARDWARE COMMUNICATION AND CYBERSECURITY. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 2(18), 61–72. https://doi.org/10.28925/2663-4023.2022.18.6172

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