


conflict; contradiction; information conflict; security system; information system; cyber conflict; conflict structure in security systems; stages of conflict in security systems.


The problem of conflicts and conflict situations has always been in the center of attention of scientists, first of all, sociologists. However, the current state of these theories includes a large number of currents in various fields of knowledge. We meet them in history, philosophy, psychology, jurisprudence, biology, medicine, pedagogy, cultural studies, economics, military affairs, technical systems, in particular in security and cyber security systems. In addition, there are attempts to apply a mathematical apparatus for modeling and solving certain issues in the decision-making process. This determines the relevance of this study, which is devoted to the analysis of ways of introducing the theoretical foundations of the theory of conflicts into the information security system. The article analyzes the views of scientists regarding the application of conflict theory in various sciences and disciplines. A review of literary sources in the context of the theory of conflicts in information systems was carried out, the definition of "information conflict" and its characteristics were highlighted. It is justified to carry out research through the interaction of the planes of the theory of conflict theory and the theory of information and cybernetic security in three perspectives: "subject - subject" or "person - person"; "subject - object" or "man - machine"; "object - object" or "machine - machine". To determine the main characteristics of conflicts in security systems, the general structure and stages of conflicts were highlighted. The structure of conflicts in security systems includes the definition of boundaries; state and activity variables; causal relationships and feedback; several interconnected subsystems; conflict delay (or conflict resolution). The following stages are distinguished in the dynamics of the conflict: emergence of a conflict situation; latent stage; active stage; stage of ending the conflict. In the process of conflict management in information security, the opportunity to apply analytical methods is outlined: differential equations, decision-making theory, operations research, and game theory.

This study is an introduction to the theory of conflicts in security systems and can be used in the educational process of students of the specialty 125 Cybersecurity.


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, S., Skladannyi, P., Nehodenko, O., & Nehodenko, V. (2022). STUDY OF APPLIED ASPECTS OF CONFLICT THEORY IN SECURITY SYSTEMS. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 2(18), 150–162.

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