administrative and legal bases; organization; implementation; activities; cyber to intelligence; cyber intelligence; information collection; cyberspace; security and defense sectorAbstract
In a hybrid war, the winner is the party that first creates conditions for violating the target function of the operability of the information security system and cybersecurity of critical information infrastructure facilities. To create prerequisites for a violation of the target function, it is necessary to identify vulnerabilities in the information security system and cybersecurity of enemy critical information infrastructure facilities in advance. This task is performed during Cyber to Intelligence. For a long time, the concept of cyber to intelligence was absent from scientific research, but the activity as such was already carried out in the context of cyber intelligence. Only in 2021, at the legislative level, it was adopted to understand cyber to intelligence as activities aimed at identifying vulnerabilities in software, telecommunications equipment, automated control systems for forces, weapons and/or technological processes of a certain target (cyber infrastructure object). The subject of research in the scientific article is the justification of the administrative and legal foundations of the organization of cyber to intelligence. To achieve the goal and the set task, theoretical research methods were used: generalization of scientific literature; structural and genetic analysis when clarifying the object and subject of research; analytical and comparative analysis when evaluating the novelty of research results; generalization-for formulating conclusions and recommendations. The research results are obtained, the scientific novelty of which consists in summarizing information about a new type of cyber to intelligence activity, a schematic description of the activity process is presented, and the most likely authorized bodies (subjects) for its implementation are identified. The components of cyber intelligence and stages of cyber intelligence are proposed. Prospects for further research in this area. The presented study does not exhaust all aspects of this problem. The theoretical results obtained in the course of scientific research form the basis for further justification of the formalized form for conducting cyber to intelligence.
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