


: fractal, fractal properties, fractal models, information and cyber security, information security


The article deals with the application of modern mathematical apparatus in information and cyber security namely fractal analysis. The choice of fractal modeling for the protection of information in the process of its digital processing is grounded. Based on scientific sources, the basic definitions of the research are analyzed: fractal, its dimension and basic properties used in the process of information protection. The basic types of fractals (geometric, algebraic, statistical) are presented and the most famous of them are described. The historical perspective of the development of fractal theory is conducted. Different approaches to the application of fractal theory in information and cyber security have been reviewed. Among them are: the use of fractal analysis in encryption algorithms; development of a method of protecting documents with latent elements based on fractals; modeling the security system of each automated workplace network using a set of properties that can be represented as fractals. The considered approaches to the application of fractal analysis in information and cyber security can be used in the preparation of specialists in the process of research work or diploma work.


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, S., Zhdanovа Y., Spasiteleva, S., Negodenko, O., Mazur, N., & Kravchuk, K. (2019). MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN CYBER SECURITY: FRACTALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN INFORMATION AND CYBER SECURITY. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 1(5), 31–39.

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