



cybersecurity; military man; violation; danger; agency; geolocation; games; gambling addiction; object of critical information infrastructure.


The subject of research in the scientific article is the state of cybersecurity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the gambling dependence of military personnel. Purpose of the article. Study of the psychological and pedagogical problem of gambling addiction among military personnel with the involvement of cellular communications as a new problem in ensuring cybersecurity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The result of the study. Sociological studies have shown that people spend more than four hours with their smartphones every day. Smartphone addiction, "nomophobia" is caused by the problem of excessive internet use or internet addiction disorder. Addiction occurs from games, game apps, and online games. This article discusses individual augmented reality geolocation games and their appeal. It is established that the imposition of geolocation games on military personnel is aimed at collecting confidential information about critical infrastructure facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine under vivid psychological pleasure. All of them are aimed at where to structure the cybersecurity system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and the leakage of geographic information from the location of military facilities is their natural appearance. scientific novelty. For the first time, it is proposed to include the psychological and pedagogical problem of gambling addiction of military personnel on cellular communications in the group of factors that cause cybersecurity violations in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The practical significance of the obtained scientific result gives grounds for developing recommendations for preventing the leakage of confidential information and conducting explanatory work with the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine about the dangerous consequences both personally for them and for state security through the use of intrusive geolocation games. The presented study does not exhaust all aspects of this problem. The theoretical and practical results obtained in the course of scientific research form the basis for its further study in various aspects.


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How to Cite

Kozubtsova, L., Kozubtsov, I., Tereshchenko, T. ., & Bondarenko, T. (2022). ABOUT THE CYBERSECURITY OF MILITARY PERSONNEL PLAYING GEOLOCATION GAMES WHILE STAYING AT DEPARTMENTAL CRITICAL INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITIES. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 1(17), 76–90. https://doi.org/10.28925/2663-4023.2022.17.7690

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