


approaches, classification, cyber sociality, military, Armed Forces of Ukraine, degree of integration, cyberspace, consequences, cyber security.


Modern achievements of science and technology have allowed a person to create not only computing equipment, but also to build a new virtual space "cyberspace". With the emergence of cyberspace, the process of cyber socialization of the individual began at the same time, complementing this property with the interaction and communication of a person with other people with the help of modern information and communication, computer, electronic and Internet technologies, which significantly expands the area of social relations and methods of joint activity, promotes direct mobile cooperation , significantly increasing the number of transactions over time, allows you to satisfy the need for communication, while ensuring relative psychophysical safety and comfort. The purpose of the article is to review the formation of the classification of cybersociality of servicemen according to the degree of integration of the individual in the cybersociety and the most likely consequences. Materials and methods. A collection of theoretical research methods is used to solve the tasks: analysis and generalization of scientific literature on the research problem: the method of going from the abstract to the concrete; the method of comparative analysis when evaluating the novelty of research results; synthesis and generalization – formulation of conclusions and recommendations regarding the continuation of further research. Research result. Known approaches to the classification of cybersociality of people according to the degree of integration of the individual in the cybersociety are considered. The most recognized classifications of people's cybersociality by the degree of integration of the individual in the cybersociety have been determined. Their semantic content is clarified. Based on the results of the analysis, the most likely classification of cyber-sociality of servicemen according to the degree of integration of the individual in the cyber-society is proposed. Probable levels of the greatest propensity of military personnel to violations in cyberspace are proposed. It has been established that cyber-socialized servicemen, depending on their internal motivational characteristics, can move from the category of defenders to the category of insiders. National security and cyber defense fundamentally depend on this. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time one of the possible classifications of cyber-sociality of military personnel has been proposed according to the degree of integration of the individual in cyber-society and cyberspace with the aim of further predicting probable cyber-security violations in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The practical value of the study is the accumulation of statistical data on the grouping of military personnel according to the criteria of propensity for cyber socialization. Together with the possible consequences, predict the development of events in cyberspace. Prospects for further research. Theoretical results obtained in the process of scientific research form the basis for further study of the trend of cyber-socialization of military personnel.


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How to Cite

Kozubtsov, I., Kozubtsova, L. ., Saenko, O., & Tereshchenko, T. (2023). APPROACHES TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF CYBERSOCIALITY OF MILITARY PERSONNEL ACCORDING TO THE DEGREE OF INTEGRATION IN CYBERSPACE AND POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES. Electronic Professional Scientific Journal «Cybersecurity: Education, Science, Technique», 3(19), 83–95.

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